Este año el tema del carnaval en La Vara , son " los autos locos ", ( no, no son los de Red Bull ).
Se trata de que cojáis el disfraz que tengáis por casa, y os preparéis un auto acorde to your costume. It is important to keep wheels. You can use a bicycle, a scooter, skates, a stroller, chair, etc. ... but will have to tune them, decorate or disguise .
We have spent many months putting together a POT for the award, which today amounts to 162 euros , and will continue to rise one euro more per day shop open until the day of the parade.
win the POT best costume at the carnival parade Ponteareas.
Our troupe will only Sunday, but will not participate in the award of the council, because this involves a lot of organization and time will understand that as we have.
VALE ANY OUTFIT ( spiderman, vampires, pocoyo, smurfs, mazinguer z, dora, naruto ...... ) any costume, but VERY IMPORTANT WHEELS TAKE .
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