Parauribismo /
Polo Democrático requests the Government Gen. Montoya withdraw from the embassy in the Dominican Republic
The representative of the Democratic Pole, Iván Cepeda, said that keeping the general (r) Mario Montoya at the Embassy of Colombia in the Dominican Republic is illegal, because of research being carried out against him for alleged links with the paramilitaries and their involvement in so-called 'false positives'. More .
Parauribismo / General Mario Montoya surrounded by paramilitaries. Video
'The Government remains committed to exterminate us, "Peace Community
Parauribismo / Hundred Days in Yarumal
Parauribismo / The Uribe against the ropes
May 1. Repression in full swing
More than 4,000 international scholars sent an open letter to Colombian President demanding the release of Dr. Miguel Angel Beltran, Colombian academic jailed since May 2009 without having been convicted of any crime. Photo Internet. More . 11:21
Parauribismo / Nuevo Arco Iris reveals how the "para-politics' stormed the health system
Security narcocrática / Reveal fair contracts and equity in Fondelibertad detriment
Clarification ACVC with respect to false expectations about land titling in the municipality of San Pablo, Bolívar
stories with signs of violence
The minister's links with Nule Vargas Lleras, and how to splash out in corruption scandals in the health system
Parauribismo / Persecution Victims Movement and its members
Parauribismo / Guardianship orders to investigate disciplinary Accusations Commission
Security narcocrática / They ask to reopen research unionist assassinated in 1991
Parauribismo / tore investigation against judges of the Court elected as Prosecutor Mario Iguarán
A former prison involved in the health carousel
Parauribismo / Council of State ordered the DAS to apologize to the victims
legal strategy of the general impunity Velandia
Parauribismo / Warn human rights situation in the Atlantic
Interview Aida Quilcue: Leader Colombia's indigenous movement in Cauca Department
NATO is killing civilians in Afghanistan: a dead woman and four children injured in bombing
One woman died and seven civilians, including four children, were wounded in a bombing of the ISAF troops during a battle that killed "several" insurgents in eastern Afghanistan, said today the organization. More .
Terrorism Made in USA / Who have you learned? NATO for funding up to the Libyan opposition
U.S. Terrorism / "My father was captured alive and executed," says the daughter of bin Laden
Terrorism in USA / EU hinders children's drug purchases to Cuba
Hamas and Fatah Palestinian reconciliation in Egypt sealed
U.S. Terrorism / Rebel Al Gaddafi Libyans want to "be eliminated" by NATO
U.S. Terrorism / No photos of Osama reported killed, but his companions together (picture heavy)
Honduran Justice rejects Prosecutor's request to reverse cancellation of charges against Zelaya
campaign concludes in Ecuador with broad support for the government
Postponed corruption trial against former governor
Bolivian U.S. Terrorism / Exinterrogador condemns U.S. use of torture
Colombia United for Animals. Actors join the march on May 10
We can not allow in Colombia continue to commit violent acts with animals and that they go unpunished. Currently law is very flexible, allowing the animal abuse is an everyday thing. efficient We want reform and to stop animal abuse in Colombia. More .
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media Dirty War:
alleged promoter Captured May Day riots in Bogotá
arrested in alleged university chief FARC militias
NASA space probe found that Einstein's theory is correct
Observed a rose to 300 million light years from earth
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