Here you have a few books I've been buying or receiving of the publisher. Sorry for the quality of the photos, I had to do with the phone, since I have been spoiled the camera.
THE ROSE OF SCOTLAND. Janet Paisley (Espasa)
I found it by € 5.95 in the E. Leclerc supermarket. Is very well priced for what it is chubby.
1. Nigth World. Daughter of the night I LJ Smith
I bought this
2. Nigth World. The elected II. LJ Smith
This one CONSEGI through Priceminister.
I'll tell you to see that, from what I've read are good for an afternoon but not very good. No, I will tell you that it seems to me.
1. The warlord I. Elizabeth Elliot (Nefer)
2. Predestined II. Elizabeth Elliot (Nefer)
These two were bought second hand for € 2 each and are in good condition.
1. The marquis naked . Sally Mackenzie (Valery)
2. The Viscount Who Loved Me . Julia Quinn. (Titania)
These two also bought for 2 €.
1. The black diamond. Andrea Kane (Titania)
2. The Beguiled seduced. Julia London (Titania)
3. Knight midnight. Jo Beverley (Titania)
These three also buy for 2 €
Carolina falls. Federico Moccia (Metro)
From here through the web and editorial clickartweb Planet, musta sent.
The moon was. Marta Álvarez Fernández (Editorial Atlantis)
Thanks for telling me the publisher sent.
As these are all the books I've been getting from the previous IMM. Have you think of them, if you have read, what you gonna do ......
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