News appetizing for the month of April. The truth is that painted very, very well ♥ ♥ ♥
Bianca and Lucas were thought inseparable, but their love must overcome the most difficult of all the tests ...
Luke's worst nightmare has come true: a vampire. He feels betrayed, angry and lost time; only thing that keeps him sane is his love for Bianca . But she did not have it easy, must face his new life as a ghost and can not help as much as I would.
So when Black Cross again crosses his path, decide to return to the protection of the walls of Midnight and, in turn, investigate the reason for the struggle between vampires and ghosts . However, Lucas does not get better ... And so, Bianca decides to end his suffering although this should be risking everything.
n Hamilta Helena has spent his 16 years of trying to hide how different it is no easy task on an island as small as Nantucket and that is becoming increasingly difficult. Nightmares on a journey in the desert do to get up tired and sheets stained with blood. At school, he has hallucinations of three women who cry tears of blood, and the latter when crossed with Lucas Delos in the corridors of school, can not repress murderer momentum that leads to attack the new-and handsome-boy.
Of course, what neither knows is that they are destined to meet and become involved in a recent story that has not stopped repeated for millennia.

Lambert When Louise receives a mysterious invitation to attend an exclusive sales vintage fashion, her ordinary teenage life of a wealthy Connecticut neighborhood turns into an adventure through time.
The two ladies who own the store seem witches is true, but it proved impossible to resist one of the beautiful dresses that are hanging everywhere. Louise just getting one that belonged to a silent film actress of the early twentieth century, Alice Baxter. transformed into the star, Louise can enjoy an endless wardrobe and watch your desires become reality: at last is a beautiful woman and class and, what is more, no appliances in the mouth! It is also surrounded by the celebrities of the time: Lady Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, Lucy Duff Gordon ... But finally realizes that he is nothing more and nothing less than embarking on the Titanic and that, if you do nothing to stop it, will die in the doomed ship to sink. Can save themselves and their friends and, incidentally, changed the course of history?
Bad to the bone, Bishop is a former old school vampire who does not feel the slightest interest in harmony. His only obsession is to continue to occupy the highest position in the food chain. What I intend to do with the living and the dead of the city seems inconceivably siniestro.En the masquerade attended by all the vampires and their human companions, Claire will discover the true plans and made Bishop ... and perverse trap that has been designed for warm-blooded souls ... Morganville
The war is about to unfold on the continent. The southern kingdoms are allied under the command of the redoubtable Dimitri, who threatens to raise an army and take their unprecedented long-awaited revenge. Adhárel as the Muses augured, he composed poetry could change the destiny of all. Meanwhile, the North, she Lysell prepares to find out who is confronting his past and assume their role in a world full of traps, hazards and challenges.
Frankie Stein only takes a few months living and has revolutionized the world of RAD (the Allies Renegantes Difference) living in Salem, Oregon, posing as normis.Está tired of hiding their wonderful green skin and bolts of his neck, and Lala has to hide the teeth every time she smiles, or Claudia, Cleo, Blue, Deuce, and others can not display as they are. Ser different can not be bad! So a few hours ago, she and several friends of Merston High decided to attend the high school costume party disguised themselves , hoping that normis would realize that do not have believe everything they teach horror films. Just the thing did not go as they expected ...
'not really understand what was meant by what had happened, but something had changed, it had broken, lost, forever. He had killed a human being. And I was just a human being ... "In his seventeen years Maya is a girl more or less normal: his life revolves around the ideas of his mother, kissing and fighting with Abel, rock concerts, the friends, school ... Until one day wakes up in an alley, alone, with his clothes torn, weak and in a pool of blood. changes experienced in the days that follow do realize that your life has just taken a turn violent and irreversible. Now must face his identity and heritage which implies a responsibility he did not ask or expect ...
Although my friends think I'm an incredibly brave for all the strange things I do, reality is all facade. I am one of the most cowardly people who have walked the face of the earth, without a doubt, the coward who has walked twice. For important things I'm just a scared little girl. The police could be there, around my friends (or worse) and, what was I doing? Hide, hide in the bushes so I would not see. Always hidden, so Miss Karen DeSonne.
Clara's half angel and half human. There will be a day when, as a supernatural creature, shall perform its design , although that drive you have to choose between her destiny and her heart. "At first I see a boy in trees. It is more or less my age, halfway between childhood and maturity, perhaps has only seventeen. You can see the neck, curly black hair and wet sticks his neck. A strange orange light covering the sky in the east. A strong smell of smoke. Took a step toward the boy. The ground crunches under my feet. He hears me. Begins to turn around. A second more and see her face. That's when I abandoned the vision. Blink, and everything disappears. "
Rebellion, Kelley Armstrong. (April 15)

"After four nights on the run, at last I was safe in bed, enjoying the deep dreamless sleep of the dead dead ... until they decided they really preferred to have me awake. Exploded with a laugh that slipped into my dream and I took out. When on his elbows, blinking and struggling to remember where I was, a whisper articulating snaked around me unintelligible words. "
Chloe Saunders has fifteen years and would like to be normal. But it is not at all. Input, some days she has feelings for a werewolf antisocial and its charming brother (a sorcerer, by the way). And what is worse, it seems that leans more on the werewolf. To make matters worse, running away with friends in a dark supernatural organization that wants to kill them ... forever. Oh, and Chloe genetically altered is a magician able to see ghosts and raise the dead. Nothing normal!
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